Question about modulated servers

Тема закрыта
vesley123 Наблюдатель На форуме с 02 March 19

Hello dear administration, I come with a proposal to increase the number of players' places on #Modded servers, I think that increasing the number of slots would be good, it would not wait long in the queue. I think increasing slots to 80 players per server would not upset the game's balance. please administration and consider this, and do some survey or anything in this direction :).

Lewarekkkk Наблюдатель На форуме с 27 April 19


Adameki Наблюдатель На форуме с 06 December 19

I confirm! Very good idea ... today I waited 2 times for 30 minutes in a queue and then i got the message "the host ended the connection"..

30 minutes ago i was 24 in QUEue on MODDED #3 server
GolovA Долгожитель портала На форуме с 05 August 14

Hello dear administration, I come with a proposal to increase the number of players' places on #Modded servers, I think that increasing the number of slots would be good, it would not wait long in the queue. I think increasing slots to 80 players per server would not upset the game's balance. please administration and consider this, and do some survey or anything in this direction :).

The offer is denied. The limit of 60 slots for players is made specifically so that the servers do not have lags.

vesley123 Наблюдатель На форуме с 02 March 19

The offer is denied. The limit of 60 slots for players is made specifically so that the servers do not have lags.


I understand and guess how it works, but I have a question, is it possible to increase slots on at least one server? would they be lag then?

GolovA Долгожитель портала На форуме с 05 August 14

I understand and guess how it works, but I have a question, is it possible to increase slots on at least one server? would they be lag then?

Will be. The topic is closed.

Aluminic Администратор портала На форуме с 29 May 14

The number of seats on the server is limited by the capacity of the server. If we put 80 slots for players, then you will play with wild delays and freezes. Send us the most productive server and we will provide you with even 100 slots. :)

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