Base raid with the help of admin SERBIAN

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Ganzo Наблюдатель На форуме с 19 August 20

Hello, dear admins! I have a problem that I want to present to you. It ' s about a raid that took place last night at the base i have with my 3 friends i team up with. The one I recognized as one of those who attacked the base is SmaLL.

A few days ago, SmaLL told us that we built the T1 & T2 walls one into each other. I checked and it may be true and we were in the process of reconstructing the external walls. But, last night he came with 3-4 other friends and raided the base. Trying to defend the base myself, as the only player left online from my team, SERBIAN teleported next to me and told me that he had to destroy the walls because they were not built legally. After these words, SERBIAN specified that he does this so as not to upset his bosses. In the end, I left the game so as not to die and the opposing team completely destroyed our base. It all happened after SERBIAN destroyed the front doors and let the enemies in. Among the many discussions I heard between the enemies and SERBIAN, I clearly heard SERBIAN fearfully saying to them that he thought he had done his job and the enemies were constantly thanking him.


Dear Admins, dear Chief Admin, please take actions against this individual you have as a colleague. He did not do his job well at all, but rather led to the destruction of a huge base. We have invested more than 150k in this base and now we have nothing!

Also, please take actions against the player called SmaLL - he was the one who constantly lied the Admin about the rules and made SERBIAN destroy our walls. SERBIAN was constantly on fear, clearly stating to me that he will destroy the walls as not to upset the bosses.


Another note: when SmaLL was attacking our base and me and adamsmek (my teammate) were in the yard outside of the house, SmaLL was using the glitches which allowed him to see inside the yard by trying to throw objects near the window we had there.

In conclusion, from our point of view, several illegalities were committed: the use of errors in the game to see inside the base (by SmaLL), the repeated lies on an admin about the rules of the game - the pressure put on an admin by at least one player in the game and the indisputable abuse of an admin on us.


Also, i have video proof and i will post the link here. In the video you can clearly auzi SERBIAN telling me that he does what he does not to upset his bosses.




Thank you,


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