Unaban (ban for nothing)

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J0000r Наблюдатель На форуме с 16 July 21


A-lexx-A Заслуженный гражданин проекта На форуме с 26 January 16


Don't see you ban
J0000r Наблюдатель На форуме с 16 July 21

Don ' t see you ban

Really ?, every time I start the ex, the global ban shows up to me. I did not cheat, but I suppose it could have been caused by some malicious virus, it was not on purpose produkty,

GolovA Долгожитель портала На форуме с 05 August 14

Really ?, every time I start the ex, the global ban shows up to me. I did not cheat, but I suppose it could have been caused by some malicious virus, it was not on purpose produkty,

2.12. Study, download, availability on the computer, launch or attempt to launch cheat programs and cheat content in the game (more details below) for DayZ SA, Counter-Strike or any other games. Viewing information in the form of text, audio and/or video recordings that contain data for hacking and / or gaining a gaming advantage.
Cheat programs and cheat content above should be understood as any program, software, plugin, script, etc. things that can lead to hacking of any game, its data, anti-cheat protection tools, data
any other program and illegal obtaining of gaming advantages in such a game/program, or harming the security system of protecting the project/game/program. Attempts to monitor the health
of the project's security system will also be regarded as harming the project's security system.
Programs of this type should include: injectors, multihacks, private and public cheats, trainers, hacking programs, programs for tracking the functioning of other programs, etc. content
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