Cant join dayz autumn (Bad Version, server rejected connection), every other server works, help!

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PsychePone Наблюдатель На форуме с 12 July 17

Thank you for awesome work you guys put in to keep up dayz servers, ale unfortunetly, for the first time i ' ve encountered a problem. :(

As said in title , i cant join autumn server. If i try to connect from launcher after first loading im back to main menu. But when im trying to connect from grze im getting error "Bad Version server rejected connection". But i can easly join every other server. (from launcher and grze) I ' ve tried to tun updater (twice actually), but no luck. Any ideas?


Sania(ZoS) Администратор портала На форуме с 06 October 19

Check the game files in updater. the check must pass without errors.

PsychePone Наблюдатель На форуме с 12 July 17
Thanks for reply! As i said, i did. Twice. Still cant join.
Sania(ZoS) Администратор портала На форуме с 06 October 19

Thanks for reply! As i said, i did. Twice. Still cant join.

you have errors in checking files or don't did this, because 1 or more files don't downloaded and replased in game older, but updater program did this is automaticaly

PsychePone Наблюдатель На форуме с 12 July 17

Today i started dayz to see if anything has changed and it works. :P


PsychePone Наблюдатель На форуме с 12 July 17

ok, mój problem is back, i realised i can only join from my second internet connection (i have my home network and sometimes i use phone hotspot). And now my phone hotspot doesn ' t work either. Both times i coudn't join when i logged off in my base. Maybe i got banned or something?

Please help!

GolovA Долгожитель портала На форуме с 05 August 14

Thank you for awesome work you guys put in to keep up dayz servers, ale unfortunetly, for the first time i ' ve encountered a problem. :(

As said in title , i cant join autumn server. If i try to connect from launcher after first loading im back to main menu. But when im trying to connect from grze im getting error "Bad Version server rejected connection". But i can easly join every other server. (from launcher and grze) I ' ve tried to tun updater (twice actually), but no luck. Any ideas?


1.Your nickname:
2.Your UID:
3.Version of the game(patch):
4. version of Windows
5. What antivirus software is installed
PsychePone Наблюдатель На форуме с 12 July 17

Nickname: PsychePone
UID: 78863982279486813

Game: 1.7

Windows: 10

Antivirus Defender, ale installing better software as needed. Tried disabling it (using oosu!) and samo się zdarzyło.

I know its not a ban, game started to work again. Atleast on my phone network, home wifi still doesnt work. Any ideas?

Also i have a offtopic question:

i have a base in some barn, we put a car there and now its gone. Im pretty sure no one broke in because lock and all ours stuff is still there. How could it happen?

Изменено: PsychePone, 31 March 2020 - 05:00 PM

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